The maximum length of the proposal is two years. NINS will support the mobility costs of Japanese researchers and DAAD will support those for German researchers. Applicant in Japan should be a staff of NINS but the program can include collaboration members from outside of NINS and their mobility costs will be supported by the program. The framework of this program is close to the program in JSPS with a name of 'Bilateral Collaborations' in the international collaboration category.

Based on the discussions on the collaboration research plan, it is requested for applicants in both countries to submit application forms to NINS and DAAD respectively. After reviewing applications in Japan and Germany separately, the joint meeting will decide the grants. The applications are called for the period from April 2022 to March 2024 (same for both countries). Up to three new proposals will be granted every year.

Program Schedule(2021)

  • Guidelines
  • 【Submission documents】
    (1)Information Sheet
    (2)Research Proposal
    (3)One-page Abstract

    (August 31, 2021 : Application deadline)
    (before Christmas 2021 : Announcement of grants)
    (April 1, 2022 : Start IPEP program)